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database: Religious Minorities Online
database: Religious Minorities Online

Religious Minorities Online

Open Access


Über diese Datenbank

Religious Minorities Online (RMO) is the premier academic resource on religious minorities worldwide, reflecting the state of the art in scholarship. It is written by leading scholars and is rigorously peer-reviewed.

Religious minorities are part of the social map of many countries on the globe. Some of these are ancient communities, but others are more recent. Some are a minority in one place while a majority in another cultural context (or had been in the past), whereas others have always lived in the shadow of majorities. Most minorities have little power, but others are actively engaged in the wider society and exercise significant political, economic, or military influence.

While religious minorities are relevant as social and religious phenomena in their own right, equally important is how they are viewed and treated by others. Suspicions and fears of minorities as well as admiring and exoticizing them reveal much about the societies they live in.

In the introductory essay, the editors advance a conceptual clarification and provide a critical overview of current debates and theoretical discussions about religious minorities.

RMO articles are divided into four sections, comprising articles

Available as an Open Access publication and written in an accessible style, Religious Minorities Online is an indispensable resource not only for students and academics but also to broader audiences that include journalists, politicians and policy advisors, activists, NGOs, among others. New articles will be published online twice a year. A printed version, the Handbook of Religious Minorities, will be available at the end of the project.

This project was supported by the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council under UK-Japan Connection Grant number ES/S013482/1; and The University of Bergen.

Ihre Vorteile

  • Über 50 Beiträge von führenden Expert/-innen
  • Strenges Peer-Review Verfahren
  • International und trans-regional
  • Open Access und ahead-of-print
  • Gebundene Ausgabe in zwei Bänden



Main Editors:

Erica Baffelli (The University of Manchester)

Alexander van der Haven (University of Bergen)

Michael Stausberg (University of Bergen)

Editorial Board:

Carole Cusack (The University of Sydney)

Rosalind Hackett (University of Tennessee) 

Titus Hjelm (University of Helsinki)

Knut A. Jacobsen (University of Bergen)

Norihito Takahashi (Toyo University)

Lemma A-Z

Personen A-Z

Orte A-Z



Die ersten sieben Artikel wurden am 10. Juli 2023 veröffentlicht. Weitere Informationen finden Sie oben im BROWSE.


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