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database: Religion and Urbanity Online
database: Religion and Urbanity Online

Religion and Urbanity Online

Open Access


Über diese Datenbank

Religion and Urbanity Online presents important research contributions on religious change and the change of urban spaces and above all urban forms of life, practices and discourses on urbanness in Europe, the circum-Mediterranean region and South Asia. It provides historians, anthropologists, and sociologists of cities and of religion with research articles as well as overviews. Case studies on cities or urban networks or on specific phenomena and processes help to build a reservoir of knowledge on two overarching questions: What role do religious actors, practices and ideas play in the emergence and ongoing development of cities and “urbanity”? What role did urban actors, spaces and practices and the discourse on urbanity play in the emergence and ongoing development of religious groups and “religion”? The database is published by the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Religion and Urbanity: reciprocal formations”, which investigates the historical contribution of religion to urbanization and the long-term co-constitution and co-evolution of religion and the urban.

All contributions are subject to blind review by an international editorial board. Religion and Urbanity Online is Open Access thanks to a grant provided by the German Science Foundation (DFG, FOR 2779).

For more information check the Website of Religion and Urbanity.

Ihre Vorteile

  • 200 Einträge – Fallstudien und theoretische Beiträge
  • Open Access und Ahead-of-print
  • Interdisziplinär und transregional
  • Gebundene Ausgabe in 3 Bänden



Religion and Urbanity Online is a project of the DFG-funded Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations" (FOR 2779), based at the Max-Weber-Centre of the University of Erfurt.

Main Editors:

Susanne Rau and Jörg Rüpke (Universität Erfurt, Germany)

Managing Editor:

Elisabeth Begemann (Universität Erfurt, Germany)

Editorial Board:

Martin Baumeister (Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom, Italy)

Hedwig Röckelein (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)

Martin Scheutz (Universität Wien, Austria)

Greg Woolf (University of California Los Angeles, USA)

Angelika Malinar (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)

Birgit Meyer (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)

Rubina Raja (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark)

Cyrille Aillet (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France)

Hanna Sonkajärvi (Universität Würzburg, Germany)

Benno Werlen (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany)

Birgit Schäbler (Universität Erfurt, Germany)

Lemma A-Z

Personen A-Z

Orte A-Z



Letzte Aktualisierung am 17.07.2023


Zweimal jährlich

Heruntergeladen am 4.11.2023 von https://www.degruyter.com/database/urbrel/html
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